Noah Salasnek & Travis Parker

The Standard Snowboard Show Season 1

22 mins 2004
1 2 3 4 5
0 | ratings
Seasons: 87654321

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Skate boarding has its perks and Noah Salasnek was one of the sports first pro's to exploit that style on the snow. Snowboard freestyle video legend, Noah talks about the life of living the board. Travis Parker needs no introduction if you are a true snowboard video junky, Parker lays down the chemistry of his profession and success.

Noah Salasnek, Travis Parker

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What's the difference?

Gift Episode  $2.49 USD
Episode Details
Synopsis Skate boarding has its perks and Noah Salasnek was one of the sports first pro's to exploit that style on the snow. Snowboard freestyle video legend, Noah talks about the life of living the board. Travis Parker needs no introduction if you are a true snowboard video junky, Parker lays down the chemistry of his profession and success.
Athletes Noah Salasnek, Travis Parker
Studio Standard Films
Rating not rated
Runtime 22 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions English, English
Download SD | 704x480 (265.11 MB)
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