Episode 5

Long Board TV

Longboarding 21 mins 2003
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 17 ratings
Seasons: 21

What's the difference?

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Since the '50s, modern surfing has offered an escape from mainstream consciousness, allowing surfers to find their inner creativity through the act of sliding down a wave.

Schulyer McFerran, John Peck, Andrew Logreco

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What's the difference?

Gift Episode  $2.49 USD
Episode Details
Synopsis In modern society, no matter where you go you're sure to be under the constant bombardment of media artillery. From Billboards to T-Shirts, the all-powerful logo spares few in its quest for world homogenization.

Enter the surfer... Since the fifties, modern surfing has offered an escape from the corral of mainstream consciousness, allowing each surfer a chance to find their inner creativity through the act of sliding down a wave. In this edition of Long Board TV we gander at some of the people and places that have helped to do just that.
Athletes Schulyer McFerran, John Peck, Andrew Logreco, Cyrus Sutton, Joel Tudor, Darren Ledingham, Skip Engblom, Takuji Masuda, Kassia Meador, Esteban Bojorquez, CR Stecyk, Donald Takayama, Dino Miranda
Genres Longboarding
Studio Opper Sports Productions
Rating not rated
Runtime 21 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions English, English
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