
Portugal Back to Back Season 1

Surfing 7 mins 2022
1 2 3 4 5
3 | 2 ratings
Seasons: 21

In his continuing exploration of the Portuguese Coast, through its mysteries and wonders, big wave rider, Nic Von Rupp, and his diversified group of invitees now drive us to the fabled Alentejo coastline, where secret spots still exist and the general vibe is mellow but vivid.

Nic von Rupp

Episode Details
Synopsis In his continuing exploration of the Portuguese Coast, through its mysteries and wonders, big wave rider, Nic Von Rupp, and his diversified group of invitees now drive us to the fabled Alentejo coastline, where secret spots still exist and the general vibe is mellow but vivid.
Athletes Nic von Rupp
Genres Surfing
Director Kenny Kemp
Studio Nic Von Rupp Media
Rating not rated
Runtime 7 mins
Language Portuguese | Stereo (English Subtitles)
Captions English, English, Catalan
Stream HD | 1920x1080