Shifting Sand

Behind the Gate 2023

Freestyle Motocross 26 mins 2023
1 2 3 4 5
0 | ratings
Seasons: 1

BTG travels to the mythical sand track of Lommel to witness the winning streak of Romain Febvre.

Lisa Leyland, Paul Malin, Kevin Strijbos

Episode Details
Synopsis BTG EP 14 travels to the mythical sand track of Lommel to witness the winning streak of Febvre and Geerts extending in Belgium. Febvre pulls out one of the most incredible performances of the season on the toughest track of the campaign.
Athletes Lisa Leyland, Paul Malin, Kevin Strijbos, Romain Fevbre
Genres Freestyle Motocross
Studio InFront Moto Racing
Rating not rated
Runtime 26 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions Japanese, German, Breton, Portuguese, French, Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Spanish, English, English, Catalan
Stream HD | 1920x1080