Season 2

The Adventures of Danny and the Dingo

Snowboarding 2 hrs  34 mins 2009
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 5 ratings
Seasons: 54321

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Complete second season of The Adventures of Danny and the Dingo, 7 episodes.

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Season Details
Synopsis Complete second season of The Adventures of Danny and the Dingo, 7 episodes.

The Adventures of Danny and The Dingo enters its second season with seven new episodes on Fuel TV. Take a look into pro snowboard riders' and skateboarders' lives, following two-time Olympic medalist and snow icon Danny Kass and zero time Olympic medalist and snow personality The Dingo.

Danny and The Dingo's Grenade team is striking back from the stale conformity that has plagued the snowboard industry for far too long and is set to break into the world of skateboarding. Come see if these unlikely characters can accomplish their mission to premiere Grenade's latest team snowboard video and at the same time to build a skate team.

Travel cross country with Danny and The Dingo as they pick up the certifiably insane Lucas Magoon, a Playboy Playmate assistant, and a slew of pro skateboarders including David Gravette, Devon Appelo, Tom Tom, Willis Kimbel, and Clyde Singleton. This year's Adventures return straight back to a state of chaos, including a destroyed RV, run-ins with the law, and a lot of hurt feelings and bruised egos. But none of this prevents the boys from having the time of their lives.
Genres Snowboarding
Studio FUEL TV
Rating not rated
Runtime 2 hrs  34 mins
Language English | Stereo