The Footy Game

Drive Thru Australia

Shortboarding 22 mins 2009
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 6 ratings
Seasons: 7654321

What's the difference?

Gift Episode  $2.49 USD

As the trip nears its end, Occy takes charge for an incredible last day in Australia.

Andy Irons, Shane Dorian, Mark Ochilupo

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What's the difference?

Gift Episode  $2.49 USD
Episode Details
Synopsis As the trip nears its end, Occy takes the wheel to guarantee an incredible last day in Australia. But after two weeks of travel, Donavon and Pat are starting to get on each others nerves.

On a beach with perfect waves and beautiful sunny skies, the group has one of its best surfs this season, only to head down further and do it all over again on a small wedgey-break. The crew hooks-up with Dean Morrison and heads back to his house for a BBQ, where a who's who of the surfing world is ready to chow. Then it's off to see Occy and Parko's very own Gold Coast Titans play in a rugby game.

In the end, it was time for each to reflect on the surf and adventure that was had on one of the best Drive Thru seasons ever -- complete with great white sharks, roasted pigs, and skydiving.
Athletes Andy Irons, Shane Dorian, Mark Ochilupo, Donavon Frankenreiter, Benji Weatherley, Pat O’Connell
Genres Shortboarding, Surf Travel Movies
Studio 14 Day Productions
Rating not rated
Runtime 22 mins
Language English | Stereo
Download SD | 848x480 (261.94 MB)
Stream SD | 960x540