Mike Metzger

M80 Season 2

Motocross 22 mins 2006
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 2 ratings
Seasons: 54321

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Check out M80's featured rider, the Godfather of FMX himself, Mike Metzger. Witness some serious "blowin' up" style with Japanese madman Takayuki Higashino "blowin' up" and look at the Reno crew.

Mike Metzger, Takayuki Higashino, Drake McElroy

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What's the difference?

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Episode Details
Synopsis Join token hottie Naz, as M80 hooks up with the Godfather of FMX, Mike Metzger. Witness some serious "blowin' up" style with Japanese madman Takayuki Higashino. See why th Reno Crew (Drake McElroy, Dustin Miller, Mike Mason, Jesse Olson, Brian Foster, and Adam Jones) gets mad respect. And finally, head on a trip to Tombstone with Cowboy Kenny Bartram.
Athletes Mike Metzger, Takayuki Higashino, Drake McElroy, Dustin Miller, Kenny Bartram
Genres Motocross, Dirtbike, Freestyle Motocross
Studio FUEL TV
Rating not rated
Runtime 22 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions English, English
Download SD | 720x480 (262.66 MB)
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