Crusty Demons 16: Outback Attack

Freestyle Motocross 55 mins 2013
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 3 ratings

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After traveling all around the world and jumping over, in and through some of the most exotic and coveted locations ever discovered, film makers Jon Freeman and Dana Nicholson decided to dedicate this film to sandy beaches, red dirt and laid-back outlook of Australia.

Seth Enslow, Jackson Strong, Cam Sinclair

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Movie Details
Synopsis The Crusty Boys are back at it, going end over end, over the top exclusive for us, down under! After traveling all around the world and jumping over, in and through some of the most exotic and coveted locations ever discovered, film makers Jon Freeman and Dana Nicholson decided to dedicate this film to sandy beaches, red dirt and laid-back outlook of Australia.
Athletes Seth Enslow, Jackson Strong, Cam Sinclair, Robbie Maddison
Genres Freestyle Motocross
Director Jon Freeman, Dana Nicholson, Grant Wheeler, Scotty Avalos
Studio Fleshwound Films
Rating not rated
Runtime 55 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions English, English
Download HD | 1280x720 (1.67 GB) SD | 960x540 (799.40 MB)
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