Collin Provost

Fairly Normal Season 1

Skateboarding 6 mins 2019
1 2 3 4 5
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We drove up to Collin's place in Long Beach for a skate, music, and a beer to immerse ourselves in his world. A few lines at North Park and a sunset jam with the boys. As he quickly emerges as one of the raddest skaters in the world.

Collin Provost

Episode Details
Synopsis We drove up to Collin's place in Long Beach for a skate, music, and a beer to immerse ourselves in his world. A few lines at North Park and a sunset jam with the boys. As he quickly emerges as one of the raddest skaters in the world.
Athletes Collin Provost
Genres Skateboarding
Studio Fuel TV
Rating not rated
Runtime 6 mins
Language English | Stereo
Stream HD | 1920x1080