Highlights Trans Madeira Summer 2023

Mountain Bike 12 mins 2023
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Highlights of the best moments and most beautiful views captured during this great mountain bike event.

Kelan Grant, Leigh Johnson, Thomas Lapeyrie

Movie Details
Synopsis Five days of racing, 220 km, 30 stages, 140 riders. A week-long event taking MTB riders all around Madeira Island, one of the best mountain bike destinations on the planet. With some of the most unique mountain bike trails and a well-organized and highly competitive event, Trans Madeira 2023 was a ride to remember.
Athletes Kelan Grant, Leigh Johnson, Thomas Lapeyrie, Amy Morrison, Morgane Jonnier, Claire Elworthy, Matthew Shearn, Guérin Cédric, Greg Arnold, Leo Kokkonen, Christian Ferrone, Glyn O'Brien, Joe Ward, Peter Beer, Paul Cameron
Genres Mountain Bike
Studio Freeride Madeira
Rating not rated
Runtime 12 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions Breton, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Finnish, Swedish, English, Catalan, English
Stream HD | 1920x1080