Quintessential Europe

The Search Season 1

Snowboarding 6 mins 2017
1 2 3 4 5
4 | 2 ratings

The European Alps are at the top of the destination bucket list. One single mountain range that spans over eight different countries, resulting in cultural diversity and insane riding possibilities, both on and off piste. A Search experience to remember.

Marion Haerty, Lucile Lefevre, Olva Smeshlivava

Episode Details
Synopsis For the snowboarder that travels, there is no debate - the European Alps are at the top of the destination bucket list. Uncommonly known, it is actually just one single mountain range - only it's a mountain range that spans over eight different countries, resulting in extreme cultural diversity and insane riding possibilities, both on and off piste. Simply put, there is just no other place like it. And for Rip Curl riders Marion Haerty, Lucile Lefevre, Olva Smeshlivava, Kristiina Nyman and Jessy Brown, it meant the guarantee of a Search experience to remember. A quintessential snowboard trip.
Athletes Marion Haerty, Lucile Lefevre, Olva Smeshlivava, Kristiina Nyman, Jessy Brown
Genres Snowboarding
Studio Fuel TV
Rating not rated
Runtime 6 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions English, English
Stream HD | 1920x1080