Never Ending - A Story of Endurance

11 mins 2023
1 2 3 4 5
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157 riders on classic Enduro competed in Portugal to keep vintage racing alive.

Jean-Paul Veaudequin, Celestino Cruz, Claus Jarzombek

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Movie Details
Synopsis In September 2022, 157 period correct classic enduro motorcycles and their riders, travelled thousands of miles, from over 12 different countries to meet in the beautiful town of Santiago do Cacém, Portugal to compete in a world famous vintage enduro race. Keeping the spirit of classic enduro racing alive.
Athletes Jean-Paul Veaudequin, Celestino Cruz, Claus Jarzombek, Suzy Cardinal, Camilia Bonami, Fred Hoess, Zoltan Radanyi, Pedro Barradas, Pedro Lança, Franck Albert, Martial Richelle, Carlos Pinera Fernandez, Christophe Bernard, Mike Marcoux, Salvatore Pennisi
Director Jonny Cazzola, Manuel Portugal
Studio Malle London
Rating not rated
Runtime 11 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions Japanese, German, Breton, Portuguese, French, Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Spanish, English, Catalan
Stream HD | 1920x1080