Welcome to FUEL TV+
The Global Home of Action Sports
Only $4.99 a Month
Free 7 Day Trial

Watch on Apple TV, Roku, Fire TV, Android TV, PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and more.
FUEL TV+ brings the world of action sports to all screens with our full library and 24/7 channel commercial free.

Cancel anytime, no long term commitment. Free trial, then low monthly fee.
Watch Everywhere
Watch on Apple TV, Roku, Fire TV, Android TV, PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and more.
FUEL TV+ brings the world of action sports to all screens with our full library and 24/7 channel commercial free.
Join FUEL TV+ Now!
MonthlyPay as you go, membership is billed monthly.
Seven Day TrialGive FUEL TV+ a go with our seven day free trial.
YearlyPre-pay for the entire year and save $10.
No matter which membership you choose you cancel anytime with no long term commitment.
Don't want a membership, most videos also available to buy or rent individually.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you enjoy your free trial, do nothing and at the end of the trial your membership will automatically continue for as long as you choose to remain a member. You can easily cancel anytime, online, 24 hours a day. There are no long-term contracts or cancellation fees. Just sign up to get started!
While streaming works with may different levels of broadband, the speed and bandwidth of your broadband Internet connection may impact your viewing experience.
FUEL TV+ is a streaming service--videos are streamed over the internet and not downloaded, so you must be connected to the internet throughout the viewing session.
When you buy and rent your preferred payment method is charged immediately for the items you purchase.